Saturday, September 21, 2013

Part 4: In the Loop

Faced with not enough income, not enough experience to get a better job, and my impending maternity leave, I decided that the best move would be for me to go back to school. It would provide enough money that I could afford the rent on my own and it would get me headed in the right direction to having an actual career someday. Going to school with 4 kids, while pregnant and due the week after finals is far from ideal, but I needed to work with what I had.

Sometime in February, I told the kids that we were having a baby, I think. They were all ecstatic. Fortunately they didn't ask many questions and they still don't know who Chuck's other parent is. They haven't asked and I don't feel the need to get into that right now. They're all quite content with "Chuck doesn't have a dad," which honestly, is the complete truth.

People at work knew I was pregnant, though it took some of them quite a while to figure it out. I had told a few more friends at this point. My classmates also knew that I was pregnant. My family still did not know. I was terrified hat I would be letting them down again, even though I knew that once the initial shock wore off, they would be completely supportive. I couldn't find a good time to bring it up though.

My sister, Tater (she'll love that I'm using that for her here) was here for a weekend to head to the Tyrone Wells concert with me before she headed off on her church mission for 18 months. I thought I'd tell her on the drive to Denver. Instead, we ended up driving through a freaking blizzard and I couldn't tell her anything because I knew I'd cry and I was having enough trouble seeing the road as it was. The next morning, we stopped at the grocery store on the way home, and I blurted out, "You're going to have another niece" in the shampoo aisle. An old coworker rounded the corner about 30 seconds later and asked if I'd heard from the baby's father yet. Yeah, I like to cut things close sometimes. My sister was fine though. She was annoyed at the loser, but she'd never been a big fan of him anyway. I made her promise not to tell Mom yet, since she was getting ready for her honeymoon and I didn't want anything to bring her down.

Mom found out within a week...after talking to my sister on the phone a couple times. Apparently Tater was super stressed out about something and my mom could just tell from her tone of voice. She said that Mom needed to talk to me or that she promised me she wouldn't tell or something like that. Mom called me a few times that week and would randomly ask me if there was anything I needed to talk about. I still wanted to wait till she was back from her trip to say anything. Finally, she said, "Kari, I know you're pregnant." Not really how I wanted that to go, but it is what it is. She was also fine with it and started sending me baby clothes almost immediately. She loved this baby as much as she loves all my other kids. She told me that she was proud of me and how I was handling things.

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