Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What do you do when you horribly neglect your regular blog and can't post more than 8 times a year? You start up two more blogs to better organize your thoughts, of course! That's the definition of wackadoodle, or maybe, just maybe Kasey from The Bachelorette is the definition of wackadoodle personified. Dude got a freaking tattoo to commemorate his insanity, er, um, his dedication to Ali. Too bad he can't even show it to her. Now that Jonathan is gone, he'll have to take over the role of wimpy dude, which is good for him, I guess. Maybe it will give him slightly less time to devote to his co-presidency (with Frank) of the Creepy Stalker Dude club. If I were Ali, I would have walked away from the show. Or maybe kept Hunter around for longer because he was a nice guy and he reminded me of someone that I used to know.

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