Friday, June 18, 2010

10 reasons to watch "Ugly Betty"

Yes, I know I'm a little late to the party on this one since the series is over. Bear with me.

10. She lives in a normal house, not some swanky place with 2 pieces of perfectly clean white furniture and fingerprint-free glass walls.

9. Daniel is adorable. Yes, he's not what I'd be looking for in a boyfriend/husband, but he's so freaking cute.

8. Justin is quite possibly the best character ever on a tv show.

7. She eats real food. Often.

6. She cries over normal stuff just like a normal person.

5. Vanessa Williams is quite insane. Combined with Mark St. James, that's some good TV.

4. Amanda, dear Amanda. I really don't have much that's nice to say about you, but I still love watching you.

3. Betty's love life. It's just beyond awesome: I'm not sure that she's ever gone on a date that went 100% smoothly.

2. Gio and his sandwich cart. I totally wish my house had a sandwich cart.

1. I would so be that fat girl at Mode, wearing the totally wrong clothes and saying the totally wrong things, and I would be loving every minute of it.

If you haven't given Betty a try, please do. If you love her, but haven't watched in a while, get a DVD and watch again. You won't regret it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


That would be "so you think you can understand the new format of So You Think You Can Dance?" Because I can't. I love seeing the previous contestants, but this was not the way to work them into the show. It's so confusing and I feel like I can't properly vote (not that I have ever actually voted on SYTYCD, but I have considered it) because I spend too much time focusing on the previous contestant and then comparing the "top 11" (which annoys me to no end even though 11 IS my favorite number) dancer to the semi-professional and seeing all the times where they're behind or whatever. All I wanted was a top 20. Can't a girl get a top 20 around here anymore?

Since I didn't actually see all the dances last night since we still live in the stone age with no cable and no *gasp* DVR and SYTYCD happens to come on while I'm trying to get 800 children to go to sleep, I'll just have to try to remember all my favorite dancers' names. I love Alex. Kent is hilarious and from Wapakoneta, and I happen to love small towns with crazy names that you always have to spell. *SIDE NOTE* I went to Rappahannock County Elementary School for a year and had to spell that every single time I said it. I also love people with interesting last names and make it a point to learn how to spell them- like Amber Nandhakumar and the Toporovsky triplets, all from Henley Middle School, whom I have not seen in about 18 years and probably wouldn't have any clue who I am anyway, but dang it I can still spell their names. /SIDE NOTE Who else do I love? I dunno. I can't remember names this early in the morning, which is why I should blog at 7:00 AM. Oh well. The whole "top 11" is pretty great and I can only imagine how much greater it would have been if they had actually been a proper top 20.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What do you do when you horribly neglect your regular blog and can't post more than 8 times a year? You start up two more blogs to better organize your thoughts, of course! That's the definition of wackadoodle, or maybe, just maybe Kasey from The Bachelorette is the definition of wackadoodle personified. Dude got a freaking tattoo to commemorate his insanity, er, um, his dedication to Ali. Too bad he can't even show it to her. Now that Jonathan is gone, he'll have to take over the role of wimpy dude, which is good for him, I guess. Maybe it will give him slightly less time to devote to his co-presidency (with Frank) of the Creepy Stalker Dude club. If I were Ali, I would have walked away from the show. Or maybe kept Hunter around for longer because he was a nice guy and he reminded me of someone that I used to know.